What Is Your Planning Style?

Goal setting is very important to me, it is a big part of what I do, and I absolutely love it! Quite often when I meet customers, I am interested to know whether they are into planning or not. There have been a few occasions where I will meet someone who will say, “I always start off planning, but then I lose track!” or “planning is just not my thing!” Everyone is different and that is okay. However, for me I find that when things are planned, I know what is coming next and it makes it so much easier to manage my very busy schedule.
I have recently started to do more planning involving my daughter, whereas before it would be more word of mouth planning with her. Now, we sit down together, and she joins in with some of my planning sessions (most are done whilst she is at school). I always enjoy listening to what she has to say and what she would like to do for our “Mama and Bella time.” Sometimes, she comes out with such interesting ideas, like, “let’s go snowboarding!”
My online shop (www.theresilientmum.co.uk) features many empowering resources to help you with your day to day needs and requirements. I will give you a breakdown of some of the products that are particularly useful for planning:
The 10 Year Plan & The Monthly Goals Planner:
This is actually one of my favourite planners because it is very resourceful! I initially created these planners separately, but there was a demand for both. So, I went away and redesigned them collectively and I am happy that I did, because they work so well together. The 10 Year plan has 3 main stages;
1. The 2 year Plan.
2. The 5 year Plan.
3. The 10 year Plan.
Each stage features several small sections allowing you to plan for particular events in your life, some examples are; You (personal life) plans, Family plans, Career/Education plans, Finances plans, Social life plans and other plans you may have. I know that 10 years may seem like such a long time away, but I believe that anything is possible. You could plan to save up for a house by that time and writing your goals down on paper, working hard to achieve these goals and having faith will make sense especially if it is something you really desire!
The Monthly Goals Planner will keep you accountable because every month you will have to fill in what goals you are currently working towards, you will also be required to write down any self-care plans you have. At the end of each section for that particular month you will have a reflection questionnaire asking you about the highlights of your month and what you enjoyed, etc. Counting your blessings is a must for me, so there is also a section for you to practice gratitude by recording all that you are grateful for.
This planner is currently available for all Mothers and Women. Would you be interested in one for young people or child(ren)? Let me know here: hello@theresilientmum.com
View here: https://theresilientmum.co.uk/shop?olsPage=products%2F10-year-plan-the-monthly-goals-planner
The MAMA Journal:
Another one of my favourites because it is specifically for Mothers who are seeking to do their very best by their child(ren). I say this because no Mother is perfect, and this journal reminds you that you are the best Mother for your child(ren). Again, it has monthly sections where you can write down encouraging affirmations, quotes, positive thoughts, family activities for that particular month and so forth. It features a page where you can write what you will spend more/less time doing and it also has a page specifically prompting you to think about family orientated activities and 1-1 activities with your child(ren). There is also a reflection section enabling you to reflect on your month, looking at the highs of your month and deciding what you will eliminate/work on for next month. My favourite part of this journal is the note section because it allows you to write a personal note to yourself and one to your child(ren), it makes it that extra bit special in my eyes! I do not know about you, but I love writing little notes for my daughter, just as much as she enjoys drawing me beautiful pictures!
The Weekly Goals Planner:
The Weekly Goals Planner is slightly similar to the MAMA Journal, except it does not feature family relevant pages. It is simply a weekly goals planner to keep you on track with your goals for the week. Like the MAMA journal it features a section for you to write down any inspiring affirmation and quote for the week. It allows you to record your goals and any acts of self-care you will indulge in. It is simple, but effective in helping you to stay focused and remember what your week entails. This planner is available for Mothers, Women and Teenagers.
Further Information:
All journals and planners are A5 Size and are spiral bound.
They all have a clear cover on the outside to keep your planner/journal in good condition.
All products designed by The Resilient Mum are subject to copyright.
International shipping is available.
Collection is also available if you are based in London.
New Year|New Goals Workshop.

The New Year | New Goals Workshop will encourage you to create your very own vision board for 2020! You will also have the opportunity to connect with other Independent Mothers like yourself. We will be doing an activity from one of my planners and I will show you specifically how to plan for the next 2 years! Spaces are limited, so if you would like to join me on Saturday the 25th of January 2020, please reserve your space here:
*Please note this workshop will be based in South East London.
If you have any questions or would require further information, please get in touch here: hello@theresilientmum.com and I will endeavour to get back to you!