Welcome To The Independent Mother Hub

Hey Queens!
I hope you are all well.
It has been a little while, but I have been extremely busy working on new content amongst other things. I started The Independent Mother Hub late last year and unfortunately because of the pandemic I had to cancel all workshops, etc. However, I had the idea to continue doing virtual sessions - after all Independent Mothers are in need and I would like to help in any way that I can.
The Independent Mother Hub content will be posted on The Resilient Mum on instagram, just because I would like to manage everything directly from my main page. It is so much easier and convenient for me to have all the information you require in one place.
The Independent Mother Hub is a virtual hub created to serve Independent Mothers worldwide. To access the full content from The Independent Mother Hub I have two very affordable memberships for Independent Mothers.
There are two memberships to choose from; The Basic Membership and The Gold Membership. The Basic Membership For free you will have basic access to: 1. Monthly video content with hints, tips and tricks on monthly topics. 2. Weekly Devotionals. 3. Monthly book recommendations. 4. Monthly bible study. The Gold Membership For a monthly subscription fee of £4.50 you will have full access to: 1. Monthly video content with hints, tips and tricks on monthly topics. 2. Ebooks, Workbooks and worksheets (printable resources). 3. Weekly Devotionals. 4. Monthly book recommendations. 5. Access to The Independent Mother Hub Community on WhatsApp. 6. Monthly bible study. 7. Monthly goal setting vision board workshops (live interactive session)
For further information please visit: https://theresilientmum.co.uk/collections/membership
To join the Facebook group please sign up here https://theresilientmum.co.uk/collections/membership so that you can be approved as a member.
With Love,
Roxanne-Sasha x