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The Independent Mother Hub: Try To Avoid Applying Pressure

Our topic moving forward is going to be The Independent Mother. You can find out more here and in my stories! To join the group or sign up head to:

You may be wondering what an Independent Mother is..well to summarise an Independent Mother is a Mother who is raising her child(ren) Independently with little to no help from the child's father.

Though it is important to note that Independent Mothers do have an extra pair of hands helping them from time to time and that is from God! We are not in this alone. He is always watching over us and helping us as we go through Motherhood.

The second tip I have for you is:

Trying to avoid applying pressure with yourself and your child(ren) will really help you as you navigate Independent Motherhood and life in general.

The pressures that parents put on children growing up can have long term side effects which sadly affects them later on in life. Some people have grown up in environments where they were always pressured to do their best in everything. This results in grown adults feeling like a disappointment or dealing with feelings of inadequacy.

In order to avoid this for your child(ren) don't apply pressure on them, they are young and deserve to enjoy their childhood for as much as they can. It is that simple!

Communicate with them about their day, about their feelings and discuss things with them instead of forcing ideas on to them is a great way to open up the door way for open dialogue. In this way if they are struggling with something they will tell you instead of keeping it to themselves.

Encouraging them to help you with small, age appropriate chores will also give them a sense of responsibility without the added pressure. My daughter enjoys cleaning up her learning area. She also has a job of bringing her clothes to her bedroom. These may seem like light chores, but it is the pride she feels when I thank her and congratulate her for doing a good job. Her job is not to be the second adult in the house - her job is to be a child. It is my responsibility to raise her to be strong, confident and Independent.

Do you give your child(ren) chores to do? How do you avoid applying pressure on your child(ren)? Comment below and let's talk!

With Love,

Roxanne-Sasha x


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