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Self-Care Ideas

Hello Mamas, I hope you are all well and staying safe. Today, I wanted to touch on some self-care ideas that I feel would benefit both you and your child(ren) during this time and once this is all over. I know it must make you feel tired of staying in, frustrated and maybe even lonely at times, but this is just a season we are all experiencing together. It will pass. If you are in need of some daily dose of encouragement follow me on Instagram: @theresilientmum and if you need someone to speak to, send me an email:

I hope this post gives you some ideas and enables you to practice more self-care at home.

1. Get some fresh air by going in the garden if you have one. If not, open a window – I know it is not entirely the same, but remember your safety is important and staying in reduces your risk of catching anything.

2. Journal – write down your thoughts, good and bad, whatever you’re feeling, express it in your journal.

3. Pray – we need God more than ever during this time.

4. Practice your affirmations – yes I say this all the time, but it is so important for you to affirm yourself and your child(ren).

5. Set a specific day during the week for you and your child(ren) to pamper yourselves – after all you deserve it!

6. Read a self-development/self-help book.

7. Listen to a positive podcast at least once every 2 days.

8. Reflect on what you are grateful for with your child(ren), encourage them to do it too and create a gratitude list. Make it as pretty as you like!

9. Declutter your home and personal space. Put things you no longer need in a bag for charity.

10. Curl up on the sofa and watch a nice movie with your family or by yourself.

11. Spend time with God in prayer.

12. Dance!

13. Exercise with your little one(s) – the Body Coach has amazing sessions over on YouTube!

14. Prepare food you’ve never made before with your child(ren) – you’ll all learn a new recipe.

15. Video chat with your family and loved ones. You can use What’s App, Zoom, Skype, FaceTime – the possibilities are endless!

Have you tried anything on the list? How are you practicing self-care at home?

Comment below and let's talk.

With Love,

Roxanne-Sasha x



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