Goodbye 2020!

In my last post relating to finishing 2020 strong I touched on 2020 being a very unpredictable year. However, 2020 has also taught us many lifelong lessons. We left 2019 with the expectation that 2020 would be our best year ever! 2020 was a year that none of us could have ever envisioned. However, despite all we faced God was in the midst of it all.
I want to ask you 4 things: 1. What has 2020 taught you? 2. What did you overcome this year? 3. What 3 things are you grateful for? 4. What will you bring with you into 2020?
We should strive to enter 2021 with the assurance and confidence that no matter what 2020 threw at us, God has got us right in the palm of His hand. He never allowed anything to happen to us because the weapons that formed against us did not prosper, He wouldn't allow them to bring us any harm.
God allowed all that happened in 2020 to happen because it served a purpose. In the same way God did not allow you to fall or stumble because God has a purpose for YOUR life! He is not done with you yet.
2020 has strengthened us all, I'm sure. It has also taught us that our God is bigger than any pandemic. Our God is bigger than the problems in the world. Our God is the solution for everything and without Him the world will continue to be as it is. Hold on to your faith, hold on to your child(ren) and hold on to God. Don't quit on God because He has not quit on you.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33.
Today, I would like you to rest knowing that even if you didn't achieve half of what you set out to achieve, you've done just fine this year. Don’t be hard on yourself because this year has been a lot, at times we were faced with so much adversities and it was often unclear of what would come next, but God is and will forever be in control. If all you planned did not come to pass or go as you desired, it is okay. Count your blessings, not your problems. Give thanks for what you have accomplished, God is proud of you and so am I.
Type "Amen" if you believe that God has it all figured out!
Share with a Mama who needs some inspiration! Be blessed and have an amazing day Queens!
With Love,
Roxanne-Sasha x