7 Things To Be Grateful For!

In times like these it can make you think about all the things going wrong with the world and less about the positives. The reality of it is that a lot of the positives are being overshadowed by the negatives, so it may appear that there is nothing good happening, when really this is not true. I hope that this post will not only encourage you but help to occupy your time in a positive way whilst putting you in a reflective mood.

1. You have extra time with your child(ren)
I must admit in the first week or so, I thought, "yes this is going to be cool!" For those of you who are just tuning into my blog and platform, you may not know, but I work from home normally. After home-schooling Isabella-Grace for 4 years of her life, when she went to school last year in September, though I missed her dearly, I was appreciative for the break. Children are demanding, they are similar to us, in the sense that they have needs, likes and dislikes, they have their demands too, but they may not always communicate what it is they require for us to understand. I was grateful that her being at school meant that we got to spend some time away from each other after being in each other’s faces for 4 years, this was good for her, she got to meet new people, make new friends and establish her rightful place within her class.
Though schools in the UK and around the world remain closed, Isabella-Grace and I are implementing our usual routine and it is working. I am grateful for the extra time we get to spend together, and I know that she is too. If ever we feel like we need to have a break, we spend some time in the garden getting some fresh air, though it is not much given the Government’s instructions for everyone to stay at home, we are making the most of it. We know why we have to stay at home and although it is difficult because we are used to going out and being free, if it means that we are helping to save lives as well as stay safe, then we have nothing to lose.

2. You can still communicate with your loved ones
I know that using FaceTime, Zoom or What’s App Video calling may not be your ideal way of catching up with everyone you love, but for now it is the safest way. Try not to see it as a negative, make it a fun experience. I have seen lots of posts floating around online of people having virtual dinner dates, parties and so forth and I think it puts a nice spin on things. It also will bring out the creative side in you. Last week my cousins, Mother, Isabella-Grace and I all met up online to have a group conversation and we were all full of laughs and smiles because it was so nice to be able to interact with one another. Try it, you may find that it is an enjoyable experience!

3. You have the opportunity to learn or extend on a skill
I don’t believe that you should put immense pressure on yourself to attain a skill, but I do believe that now is the opportunity to work on that skill you may have been putting off for a little while! Right now we all have extra time, it is not like before where we were living our fast paced lives, rushing around and doing a million and one things. Now is the time to work on you, for the better. Do something to make yourself proud and remember not to be hard on yourself if you do not get it straightaway. It takes time.

4. You can work on being a better you
This time I am referring not so much about crafting a skill, but actually working on yourself. Is there something that you desire to change about yourself? Or maybe there is a certain characteristic that you have that you would like to see more of. Whatever it is, there are so many self-help guides, videos on YouTube and general books that can help you with this. Spending 20-30 minutes a day tucking into a good book will do you the world of good in the end. Feed your mind and feed your soul.

5. You can practice more self-care
With all of the hair salons, nail salons and other beauty spots closed, this is your time to up your self-care game in full. I posted a 7-part series over on my 3rd Instagram page (@theindependentmotherhub) where I shed light on the many ways we can pamper ourselves at home. From homemade recipes, hair and skin treatments, to luxurious candlelit bubble baths, manicures and pedicures, the world is your oyster Mama!

6. You have the opportunity to experiment with your cooking
I must admit my least favourite place is in the kitchen. I prefer to write and read a good book, but with that said I have become more experimental in the kitchen, rather than creating my usual dishes, I have pushed myself out of my comfort zone more. The good thing is I am hearing a lot of, “mm this is lovely Mama, can I have more please?!” from Isabella-Grace which is always a positive! I have also been researching recipes and watching different cooking videos online to give me more ideas.

7. You can start exercising!
I have found myself tuning into @thebodycoach with Isabella-Grace and we have been challenging each other to see who can do the most without giving up. We have also been doing afrobeat workouts too and other than singing and dancing along to the songs, I feel that we are doing pretty good! Exercising has helped to give us some relief and we always feel excited for the next challenge. Our eating habits have changed for the better, I am drinking a lot more water than I was before (Isabella-Grace has only ever drank water, so she commends me whenever she sees me drinking a lot of water!) and Isabella-Grace is no longer always asking for cake! Win, win if you ask me!
Have I missed anything? What other positives can you think of? Comment below and let’s talk!
#thingstodoinquarantine #covid19 #countingourblessings #singlemotherhood #gettingfit #exercise #stayingfit #mummyblogger #pblogger #covid19 #IndependentMotherhood