4 Tips For Self-Improvement

I am constantly searching for ways to become my very best self and to aid me on my journey to being the woman and Mother God has called me to be. I don't always get it right because nobody is perfect, but the journey of working on myself is always an exciting one. I love to learn new things and I am fond of reading self-development books or watching edifying YouTube videos promoting growth. I thought I would share with you 4 tips for self-Improvement.
1. Celebrate Yourself And All That you Are.
I realised that sometimes I was extra hard on myself and often placed more on myself than I could manage. I felt that I had to achieve this or I had to get this done by a specific date, but I realised that applying pressure to myself would not get me the results I desired. I was constantly striving to be perfect in all my ways until God reminded me that we are not perfect. We are all perfectly flawed and that is alright. God is perfect, in His ways, in His thoughts, in His actions and in His words.
Celebrating my small and big wins helped me to believe in myself more than ever because it made me realised I am essentially my biggest cheerleader. Instead of criticising myself and being annoyed that I did not finish something when I said I would, I learnt to show myself kindness and most importantly grace. Applying so much pressure to yourself will never give you the results you want, it will just make you feel stressed out, miserable and depressed. Nobody wants to feel like that, it is not a nice feeling.
So, I encourage you today to celebrate your small wins and your big wins. Don't be hard on yourself, you are doing a phenomenal job and only YOU can do what God has assigned to your life. He chose you for a reason, so relax and take it one day at a time. Be gentle with yourself.

2. Focus On Your Needs And Make Yourself A Priority.
Putting yourself last on the list never works because once you've finished caring for others and doing what other people need you to do, you have no time for yourself or your child(ren). Realise that you are a priority too and that nothing can be done unless you are in the right frame of mind and unless your needs have been met. You are not a robot Mama, you need to take time out to help yourself first before you extend a hand to others.
I like to do various self-care acts to help myself feel better because once I demonstrate love to myself, it automatically puts me in a great mood. When you feel good you will also be able to carry out the rest of your tasks to the best of your ability. I will share some of my posts from my 3rd Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/theindependentmotherhub/

3. Spending Time With God.
We can shout how much we love God from over the hills and the valleys, but if you're not spending any time with Him then that is a problem. In order for us to develop as Women of God, we need to spend time in God's presence. Especially now during the season that we are all in; self-isolation. There has never been a bigger need to delve into your bible and meditate on God's word because it can strengthen us and help us to know that it is well. Our identiy comes from God and we are all lost souls walking around the earth without Him. We cannot do anything without God, He leads the way and we follow. Spending more time with God has given me so much peace.

4. Know Who You Are.
Believing in yourself and knowing who you are and what you can do is important. Your identity cannot be found in material objects or in someone else. You do not need anyone to validate you either. You are a daughter of The King - God has already validated you. You are everything that God says you are, but Mama you have to believe it. I find my affirmations so useful in helping me to channel my thoughts, again meditating on scriptures and God's promises helps me to know that I can do anything. Not knowing who you are and what you can do will not help your self-confidence, but will hinder you along the way. Don't wait for someone else to try to define you and tell you who youbare Mamas. Listen to God. He knows all things.

You can purchase a pack of my affirmation cards from my online store: https://theresilientmum.co.uk/collections/affirmation-cards
I hope this post has been helpful for you.
With Love,
Roxanne-Sasha x