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The Perfect Valentine

Valentines Day has a very different meaning for me because it so happens that one of my brothers was born on Valentines Day. Although, I’ve never really cared much for Valentine’s Day I know that to some it means a lot and that is okay, we are all different! I don’t want you to feel down about not being in a relationship, I want you to be happy within yourself and celebrate all that you are in the process. I want to remind you of two things; I hope that this post brings you some happiness.

1. You do not need a man to validate you

Your validation comes from God and God alone. Nobody else can make you feel good about yourself the way that He can. Often, we look for validation from others, but we need to understand that God has already accepted us, He loves us the way we are. You need to know who you are and what you stand for, others need not dictate to you and try to make you feel less than you are.

“So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” – Genesis 1:27

You were created by a GREAT GOD, you are one of His many masterpieces. Know who you are, accept who you are and be proud of who you are! Your value and worth are priceless. You cannot be bought by anyone!

Being in the right relationship is a beautiful thing but being in the wrong one can be detrimental to you and your children. There is no rush to pursue something that God will bless you with. His choice is generally better than the choices we tend to make for ourselves. He does not put just anyone together, He knows who is for you and who is not for you. We need to be wiser with our decisions and wait for God to join us with our future spouses. I could not imagine spending the rest of my life in a bad marriage because I chose the wrong one and decided to marry in haste rather than waiting for God to carefully select my future spouse.

He knows what He is doing, and I hear it all of the time, “God is taking SO long!” “God has forgotten about me!” I used to say such things myself until God reminded me who He was and what He is capable of, then I took it all back. You see I had got tired of waiting and waiting and waiting, I felt as if this was it and I had lost all hope, but it took just a conversation with God to know that I was wrong. What I was doing was doubting Him and not believing that He would come through for me. I felt so silly and ashamed because God has not failed me yet and I know that He never will. I fully trust that He is going to bless me, and I want you to trust that He is going to bless you too!

You can be a happy Independent Mother and woman without being in a relationship. Be happy within yourself first. Start working on loving yourself first. Put all of your energy into building up your children and your home. Work on achieving your goals. When your future spouse meets you, what do you want to tell him that you have achieved? What accomplishments will you be proud to share with him? Wherever he is, he is not sitting down and doing nothing with his life, God is preparing him for him to meet you. Now it is your turn, start getting ready now and try to put the procrastinating aside because this will serve as a hinderance.

What is good for one may not be good for you, so don’t envy others if you see they are being blessed before you. You’re on God’s list. He has NOT forgotten about you. Remember that He does things in an orderly manner! You are not missing out because your time will surely come and when it does it will be the most beautiful experience; one worth waiting for. REST and wait on the Lord Mama!

2. You are loved

I really mean it, you are! Beauty to me is not just how attractive a person is physically, but also how beautiful they are within. God loves every single detail about you, He understands everything about you, and He knows what you are planning to say before you even say it. He has plans of goodness for your life, no plans to bring you destruction, but only plans that will bring you happiness and allow you to live a fruitful prosperous life. He never sleeps, He watches over you day and night, protecting you from things seen and unseen – that is how important you are to Him.

“And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.” – Luke 12:7.

We may let God down from time to time, but He never lets us down. He is always at hand when we need Him, and He never leaves our side. Life without Him would not be a life worth living because absolutely nobody would ever go before you to clear your way and fight your battles for you as the Lord can. He means every word He says, and He is serious about His children.

“How precious are your thoughts about me O God.They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!” – Psalm 139:17-18.

Another beautiful thing about God is as much as He loves us, He will always correct us when we are wrong. It is His duty to ensure that His children are always walking on the right path,

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” – Psalm 139:23-24.

He loves you so much that He wants you to be caught up to meet Him. Others may attempt to correct you in ways that may cause you to feel bad about yourself or may try to belittle you, but God does so in a loving way. He is always a gentleman.

I can tell you without a doubt that if God did not love you and if He did not care for you, He would never have wasted His time creating you. He would not call you His masterpiece. He would not even bother to ensure that you are looked after or protected.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” – Ephesians 2:10.

Someone who does not love a person shows this in their actions and often with their words. God’s actions towards you are nothing, but that of love. His love surpasses all because He has known you since before you were formed, He created you with purpose. When He created you, He wanted you to be special and to Him you are, and you always will be. You’re not just an ordinary person, you are astonishing, and you are loved by an extraordinary God! I want you to hold on to that and to feel as important as you should feel every day.

Knowing that a loved one loves you is beautiful, but knowing that God loves you is on another level!

With Love,

Roxanne-Sasha x

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