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Support/Organisations For Independent Mamas - Part Three

We all need support from time to time and there is absolutely no shame in this fact. I have put together a list of organisations to help Mamas with different issues; this will be a 4 week series hoping to help different Mamas around the world. This week focuses on the USA. Please stay tuned for the other segments.


Beyond Blue (Depression/Anxiety)

"3 million Australians are living with anxiety or depression beyondblue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live."

Call: 1300 22 4636

Parenting Reimagined

“Single parenting is challenging but it doesn't have to be a frustrating, lonely or a difficult journey. You have the choice to make of it what you want and with the help offered here through our e-books and e-accountability coaching we can get you on the path you want and create some serious life-changing results for you.”

call: 0407 537 879


Council Of Single Mothers and Their Children’

“You are heard, supported and understood.”

Support Line:

call: 03 9654 0622

call: 1300 552 511 (outside metro Melbourne)

Hours: Mon-Friday 9.30am – 3.00pm


Lifeline; Saving Lives

“Crisis Support. Suicide Prevention.”

call: 13 11 14

call: 000 (if life is in immediate danger – Emergency Services)

Australian Government Department of Human Services

General Enquiries:

Centrelink Reply Paid 7800 Canberra BC ACT 2610

Call: 1800 076 072

Fax: 1300 786 102

Separated Parents:

Child Support Enquiries:

Child Support GPO BOX 9815 Melbourne VIC 3001

Call: 131 272

Fax: 1300 309 949 within Australia or +61 3 6216 0899 from outside Australia.


Australian Capital Territory: helplines

Parentline ACT (02) 6287 3833, 9 am-5 pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays)

New South Wales: helplines

Parent Line NSW 1300 130 052, 9 am-9 pm Monday to Friday, 4 pm-9 pm weekends

Tresillian Parent Helpline 1300 272 736 (1300 2Parent), 7 am-11 pm 7 days Tresillian live advice service, 5 pm-11pm Monday to Friday

Northern Territory: helplines

Parentline Queensland and Northern Territory 1300 301 300, 8 am-10 pm 7 days

Queensland: helplines

Parentline Queensland and Northern Territory 1300 301 300, 8 am-10 pm 7 days

13 HEALTH 13 43 25 84, Speak to a registered nurse 24 hours 7 days, or request the Child Health Team 6.30 am-11 pm 7 days.

South Australia: helplines

Parent Helpline South Australia 1300 364 100, 7.15 am-9.15 pm 7 days (calls outside these times will be redirected to the national Health Direct helpline)

Tasmania: helplines

Parentline Tasmania 1300 808 178, 24 hours 7 days

Victoria: helplines

Parentline Victoria 132 289, 8 am-12 am 7 days

Maternal and Child Health Advisory Line 132 229, 24 hours 7 days

Western Australia: helplines

Grandcare (information service for grandparents) 1800 008 323, 10 am-3 pm Monday to Friday

Ngala Helpline (08) 9368 9368 (metropolitan) or 1800 111 546 (regional callers) 8 am-8 pm 7 days

General helplines: Australia-wide

Child Care Access Hotline 1800 670 305, 133 677 (TTY service for people with a hearing/speech impairment), 8 am-6 pm Monday to Friday

Child Wise National Child Abuse Prevention Helpline 1800 991 099, 9 am-5 pm Monday to Friday

Family Relationship Advice Line 1800 050 321, 8 am-8 pm Monday to Friday, 10 am-4 pm Saturday

healthdirect (not available in Victoria or Queensland) 1800 022 222, 24 hours 7 days

Kids Helpline 1800 551 800, 24 hours 7 days

Lifeline 131 114, 24 hours 7 days

Medicare Public Enquiries Line 132 011, 24 hours 7 days

National Breastfeeding Helpline 1800 MUM 2 MUM (or 1800 686 268), 24 hours 7 days

National Poisons Information Centre 131 126, 24 hours 7 days

Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia (PANDA) Helpline 1300 726 306, 10 am-5 pm (AEST), Monday to Friday

Playgroup Australia 1800 171 882, 9 am-3 pm Monday to Friday

Pregnancy, Birth and Baby 1800 882 436, 24 hours 7 days

Sane Australia Mental Health Helpline 1800 187 263, 9 am-5 pm Monday to Friday

1800 RESPECT (National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service) 1800 737 732, 24 hours 7 days

I hope that the above can help you in some way. Have I missed anything? Let me know down below!

With Love,

Roxanne-Sasha x

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