Support/Organisations For Independent Mamas - Part Two

We all need support from time to time and there is absolutely no shame in this fact. I have put together a list of organisations to help Mamas with different issues; this will be a 4 week series hoping to help different Mamas around the world. This week focuses on the USA. Please stay tuned for the other segments.
Child Nutrition Programs
" Learn about child nutrition programs including the National School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program, the Special Milk Program and Team Nutrition."
Mailing Address: National Agricultural Library Food and Nutrition Information Center Staff 10301 Baltimore Avenue Beltsville, MD 20705-2351
TEFAP grants
"The Emergency Food Assistance Program offers free food assistance to low-income single moms, families and individuals."
Eligibility and How To Apply:
TEFAP Contacts:
HUD Public Housing and grants for single parents
"Low-income families can apply for low-cost rental housing from the HUD Public Housing Assistance Program. With over 3,300 Local Public Housing Agencies participating in the program, all States and territories are served by HUD Public Housing."
Contact your local public housing agency, or phone the Service Center at: 1-800-955-2232
" Medicaid is a Federal medical assistance program that aims to assist low-income families and those who do not have sufficient medical insurance. Medicaid eligibility guidelines differ from State to State, and as such, is administered by each individual state."
LIHEAP energy grants and assistance for single parents
"The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program was established to assist low-income single moms, families and individuals that cannot afford their home energy bills. Heating and cooling energy cost assistance may be provided to individuals that meet the LIHEAP eligibility criteria."
Federal Government Pro Bono Program
" The Federal Government Pro Bono Program assists low-income single parents, individuals and families in need of help with free legal assistance and mentoring services."
Call: 212-760-2554
Head Start and Early Head Start / Childcare grants
" The U.S Department of Health and Human Services offers a federally funded Head Start program which aims at assisting children up to the age of 5 with school readiness programs. Low-income families may be eligible for assistance. A lot of the Head Start Programs run Early Head Start programs that are aimed at pregnant women, toddlers, and infants."
Call: 1-886-763-6481
Single Moms Of America
"Your best reference as a single mom."
Office Of Child Support Enforcement
" OCSE is the federal government agency that oversees the national child support program."
U.S Divorce Law Center
Legal resources.
ADAA | Anxiety And Depression Association Of America
" Founded in 1979, ADAA is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention, treatment, and cure of anxiety, depressive, obsessive-compulsive, and trauma-related disorders through education, practice, and research."
8701 Georgia Avenue
Suite #412
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: 240-485-1001
Fax: 240-485-1035
*Please note: ADAA is not a direct service organization.
I hope that the above can help you in some way. Have I missed anything? Let me know down below!
With Love,
Roxanne-Sasha x
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