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New Year, New Me

I personally do not make New Years resolutions because I think they are a waste of time (for me!) I always feel that if I want to make some changes in my life that I do not need to wait until the following year to do this. Time is a very precious commodity and it goes by so quickly, more quickly than we could ever comprehend, but it is up to us what we do with our time. In everything that I do I always try to utilise my time wisely as I know once the day is over I cannot go back and relive that day or do things that I should have done.

2017 has taught me a lot of things; in particular about myself and those around me. I realised many years ago, that God places certain people in your life for a reason and a season, once that season is over He moves them out of your life.


chase anyone unless

God instructs you to.

People who are for you will stay in your life and will be there for you regardless of what goes on. They won’t come and go, disappear and pop up whenever they feel like, but they will be consistent members in your life. Do not beg people to stay in your life, anyone who needs to stay will be there. If someone leaves then it is because they were never supposed to be in your life on a permanent basis in the first place.

Say yes to new opportunities because you may not be offered another opportunity like that again. Even if you feel a bit fearful of what the future may hold, pray about it and then once God confirms what you should do, take a leap of faith! In this life we need to step out of our comfort zones and make things happen for ourselves. Stop sitting on your potential and get up and get out there, so that you can use what God has blessed you with to bless others.

Being an independent mother is SO difficult at times, but it is a very rewarding job. My daughter is so charismatic, headstrong and very determined to do what she wants to do. At times I have to reel her in and remind her,

“hey you’re the little boss,

but I am the big boss!”

After our little 1-1, she comes back down to earth and is full of smiles, happiness and cuddles! #RESULT!

I called myself, “The Resilient Mum” because it is fitting for my personality and all that Bella and I have encountered. We have literally bounced back from everything that was thrown our way and we just kept on going, because God has always been on our side. Times where I kneeled and asked, “why?!” He reminded me that there is a lesson to be learnt and I am grateful for His many lessons because He keeps on reminding me that I am strong, I am more than capable, and I am certainly very resilient.

Make more time for people who make time for you, if a little voice tells you to call someone and check up on them, do not wait for them to call you – just call them. Do not end up living in regret for all of the time you have wasted, waiting around for people to chase you. Often people have things going on in their lives and they may not always reach out and tell you this. Be selfless and check up on your loved ones, surprise them with visits, take them out for some hot chocolate, bring them flowers, just be more present. Tomorrow is not promised.

Let go of the past because it will only hinder your future. Let go of grudges, let go of the hurt, the pain and allow yourself to have the time to heal. Sadly, it happened, but what can you actually do about it? If your response is nothing, then that is your answer.

The only thing you

can do sometimes

is let go and let God.

Stop reliving the same things that hurt you, stop entertaining the same person who constantly belittles you or puts you down, stop allowing yourself to be repeatedly used. You deserve better and only you can put a stop to all of this because you must realise your full potential. You are not a doormat, you are a beautiful, strong young woman who deserves the best and you will be loved one day, by the right person.

Don’t allow yourself to be used by people. It is nice to be nice, but sometimes people can take advantage. Realise that it is absolutely pointless for you to continue being there for someone, who only contacts you when they require your help and then after they receive the help they disappear quicker than Casper the friendly ghost. I am not saying that you cannot help others, but just as you choose your battles, also choose who and what you give your time and energy to. Friendship is a two-way street as is every relationship.

Try something new

and don’t allow fear

to grip you.

Fear has the power to cripple you if you allow it. If you allow fear to enter your life you will begin to see that it starts to play a major role in your life. YOU are bigger than your fears. Tell your fears to “be quiet!” because YOU are in control. Those little voices that tell you, you cannot do something are lying. You can do it, put your mind to it and get it done. You will feel so much better for it once it is finished.

So, the above concludes my reflection of 2017. I hope that you all saw the New Year in with positive mindsets. Tell yourself that 2018 is YOUR year.

With Love,

Roxanne-Sasha x

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