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Giveaway - Thank you For 1K!

First and foremost I would like to thank you all for your likes, your comments, your messages, your emails - literally for everything you have done to support me. I really appreciate it and I am humbled by all of the messages and emails I receive from you all.

I started The Resilient Mum in 2015 to inspire other single mothers and to let them know that they are not alone. As time has gone by being The Resilient Mum has shown me so much things, I have met and engaged with some amazing Mamas and I have had so many new and exciting opportunities presented to me. Had God, my daughter and all of my supporters not been involved, I would not be The Resilient Mum.

For me this is just a small gesture from me to you; to say a massive THANK YOU to my followers.

Thank you all so very much! x

The Prizes!

These amazing satin tote bags, I loved the slogan, "Stay Bold" and thought you would too!

As I had planned to do my giveaway earlier this year, but due to unforeseen circumstances I ended up having to postpone it. This diary is a 2017/2018 diary; it goes up to July 2018. Again you Mamas know I am a sucker for quotes and affirmations, so I picked two up!

Chokers are all I seem to wear these days, I totally love them! These two are two different designs, but both unique in their own way.

The beautiful Chinique of SuperFunkyMe ever so kindly gifted these two prizes to me for my Giveaway. One is a satin hair bonnet and the other is a pair of uniquely crafted earrings. Check out Chinique's website for some more amazing products!

Who doesn't love a cute lunch bag?! These quirky, but cute lunch bags would brighten up anyone's day.

Pelumi-Rae another thoughtful and kind soul, also the founder of "The Letter Well" kindly gifted me with some of her inspiring and beautifully hand-crafted prints. I have the 'Girl you better go chase your dreams with your cute self' print personally and it sits pretty on my desk, but it also inspires me daily when I sit at my desk. Check out her shop for some more incredible prints!

Last, but not least you will be able to get your hands on a signed copy of my book! I hope that my book will inspire you regardless of your situation to continue to live your best life and to never give up.

The Rules.

The rules for the giveaway are fairly straightforward.

1. You must be a follower on Instagram and you must be subscribed to my website.

2. You must reside in the UK. (in the future I hope to expand my giveaways to countries around the world.)

3. Comment on my GIVEAWAY instagram post or on this post;

1 reason why you like and follow The Resilient Mum.

1 thing you would like to see from The Resilient Mum in 2018.

It is that simple!

Closing Date.

  • Giveaway closes on Wednesday the 13th of December 2017.

When will the winners be announced?

  • 4 Winners will be announced on all of my social media accounts (Instagram, Twitter and Facebook) on the 14th of December 2017.

How will I pick the winners?

  • 4 Winners will be picked by my daughter Isabella-Grace (all names will be placed in a hat and Isabella-Grace will pick 4 names out of the hat.)

Will I win everything featured?

  • You will receive a selection of prizes, but you will not receive everything featured.

With Love,

Roxanne-Sasha x

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