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SAHM / Working Mum Series: Introducing Shameika

About Shameika

I would like to introduce you to a lovely independent mother of 2, Shameika from South West London! Shameika was born and raised in the beautiful island of Jamaica. When Shameika finished high school in 1994, she came to live in the UK permanently. Before becoming a mother, she was always working and doing various jobs. She even worked 7 days per week doing 2 jobs as a Junior Accountant and Telephonist whilst she was given day release to attend university. After some time, Shameika decided that she wanted a job where she did not have to work on the weekends, so eventually she became a civil servant.

Shameika is very creative and has many hobbies which compliment this skill; events décor, jewellery making, decorating events in particular weddings, card making, nappy cakes, etc. She absolutely loves putting a smile on people’s faces, spending valuable family time with her younger brothers and with her children. Shameika and her siblings have a sibling day every month where they often go to the bowling arcade, dancing and participating in other fun activities.

“I work full time and still create things, the beautiful thing about part of my job is that I organise events at work as well. Recently a friend of mine asked me to create her wedding invite then she added more to it, programme, bouquets for the wedding party and wedding favours. My secret for managing is GRATITUDE.”

1. What made you decide to return to work?

“It was natural as I was on Maternity leave.”

2. How has your decision affected your family?

“It didn’t really affect us, I had to do it if I wanted to ensure my children had the best in life (that's how I saw it), both children are with a childminder.”

3. Did you ever consider being a Stay at home mum permanently?

“I wish I could, maybe if my children's dad stayed around then maybe, but no I love my career and It was important for my children growing up seeing my work ethics as that's what they see with my family.”

4. What did you miss about working?

“My colleagues and being able to help claimants and staff and making a positive difference in their lives.”

5. What do you think is the perception of working mums?

“Depends on who is perceiving us, for me I think it’s a great thing because our children will have the same ethics”

6. Are there any negatives of being a working mum?

“That depends on full time working or part time. Full-time, I don’t get to collect them from school and have that extra time.”

7. How do you juggle working and family life?

“I must say Thank God for my Family especially my mom and my childminder we work as a team to raise them.”

8. What does a typical day in your shoes look like?

“Wake them up at 6:00am, my daughter is quite easy sometimes but my son must have his routine (he has Autism), get them ready and fed (including me).

Drop my daughter to her childminder, then drop my son to school. I drive to work for 9:15am - that’s when it really starts!

I begin to deal with claimants – depending on the issue, attend meetings, organise events, coach staff and any other issue that may arise with computers etc. My lunch break is usually at 12:00 or 1:00, then my work day ends at 5:00pm, but some days I may finish later.

I collect my children from the childminder, sometimes we go straight home then I cook or sometimes we stop at my mom’s house. Get home, depends on the day we have home work/project/reading/spelling. Get them ready for bed about 8:30 or 9:00, then it’s Me time!”

9. ‘Me time’ is a fantastic way to unwind. I think it is essential for every mum whether they are a SAHM or working mum to have that little bit of time to themselves to just recuperate and relax. What do you do to unwind at the end of a busy day?

“I love creating things, so I will make jewellery or name frames – anything creative. The majority of the time I meditate or pamper myself with bath bombs, candles and music.”

10. What advice would you give to working mums?

"Please try and ensure you have a work life balance. Speak to your child/ren about positive things in your day and their day. Try and make time for you. If you are struggling talk to someone as I know it can be overwhelming. It's all for a good cause."

Thank you Shameika for a very honest and candid account of life as a working independent Mama! I admire your work ethic and understand that you are trying your very best to create a wonderful life for your children. I am also glad that you have a very helpful support system in place to help you out with your children.

I love to read everyone’s comments and stories about their own first-hand experiences with motherhood. I feel that as mothers we have so much to share to help others because you would be so surprised at how your story could help to inspire or encourage mothers. I am excited to see how the different topics planned shall unfold and of course to meet so many remarkable and diverse mothers.

If you would like to be a part of my series please feel free to contact me at;

With Love,

Roxanne-Sasha x

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