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In God I Trust

This is why they say that God's timing is perfect. I'm in awe of His grace and mercy. He shows out whenever He shows up and I for one am not complaining! I can't even begin to divulge about where God has carried me from because He has carried me from SO many places. I am pretty sure that I would need more than just one post to explain about how He has brought me through so many obstacles. In my darkest of moments, He had my back and He held my hand telling me, "it's not over." When I was in one of the darkest places of my life, God came down, picked me up and carried me to where I am today. I wouldn't be here had it not been for my God. So, with every single inch of me I will praise Him and thank Him daily for all He has done. He has done it all more than 100 years ago, yet He's still doing the most today to prove to all of us how much He loves and cares for us.

I truly believe that God works all things out for our good and any doubt I may have had on my dark days were cancelled. God's love is not just by what He gives to us in regard to blessings, but only His love will ever go above and beyond to cater to our every single need.

God knows what we want, but more importantly He knows and understands what we need. He knows when to give us what we need and He also knows when to give us what we want - BUT and there is of course a ‘but’..God doesn't always give us what we want. If He decides not to, it isn't because He's mean. It's because He knows that we deserve better. God gives His children only the best, He's got exceedingly good taste and I always say that He's a true gentleman!

Here's the thing, I had been waiting and praying for an answer to something I had been anticipating for a long time. I received no immediate answer and there were so many obstacles thrown in my way. I started to give up, I started to feel down, wondering why it was taking so long and when it was going to happen. It turns out God just wanted to give me an amazing birthday present..(my birthday was yesterday!) and His present was indeed the best. He just knew what He was doing and He always knows what He is doing, that's why I love Him.

If God gives us everything we wanted, right now. Would we value it? I believe when you have no choice other than waiting for something you cherish it more because you know what it was like when you didn't have it. You know what it felt like before being blessed with it and you don't ever want to lose it. This is the reason why God doesn't give us what we ask for immediately (in most cases). I love His work ethic! He teaches us the values of patience, faith and trusting Him. If we don't trust Him, who do we trust? Who else will supply our every need? Who else will comfort us in our darkest of times? Who else waits patiently for us to come back to Him if we stray? Nobody, but the Lord. Without God life is truly pointless because He makes every single day brighter. He gives hope to the hopeless. He gives joy to the sad. He gives peace to the restless. He makes a way when we see the "no entry" sign in certain aspects of our life. NOBODY can tell me that the God I serve is sleeping. Nobody.

My encouragement for you is never to give up. Keep believing, keep praying and keep speaking it into existence. Scripture says, "life and death is in the power of the tongue," so today choose life. Speak life into things that you want to see happening. Cast down all negative thoughts and allow yourself to be free from pessimistic thinking. There's nothing to be gained from that. If only we could see how much time we waste thinking negatively about situations, I'm sure we would be astonished. Instead let's build up our faith and say to God, "okay God I know this isn't happening for me now, but I trust you because I serve a LIVING, miracle working God." God loves to hear from us, so don't go quiet on Him. If things don't happen for you the way you want them to, know that God has a plan. Our plans can fail, but God's plan cannot fail and never will. When He puts His plans into action you will be astounded at how amazingly everything falls into place. Just trust Him. Trust Him and understand He has your best interests at heart and that's all he wants for you..His best.

With love,

Roxanne-Sasha x

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