abc with Peppa

It would not be right if I did not start this section off with Bella's favourite little piggy....yep you guessed it, Peppa Pig! This book is based on the TV series of Peppa Pig. Peppa Pig is created by Neville Astley and Mark Baker.
I purchased this book one day when Bella and I were shopping in Savacentre a few weeks ago. Isabella-Grace sings the alphabet song and together we are working on her familiarising herself with letters and sounds.
Letters and sounds begin to prepare young children to read by developing their phonic knowledge. Now of course Isabella-Grace is still very young and I would not expect her to start reading at 21 months! However, it is a useful skill to work on with any child and gradually develop as they grow older. Before you know it they will be reading independently!

Bella is able to identify most of the items in the book and the pictures enable her to easily identify the items of her own accord. The images are bright and very colourful helping to engage the young readers because they are usually drawn to anything featuring different colours.
The book features various characters from the Peppa Pig series and this is great for the younger audience. Characters such as George's dinosaur will be found with the letter 'D' whereas granny and grandad pig's parrot will be found with 'P' for Parrot.
When we are heading out, Bella often decides what she will pack in her backpack. She appears to enjoy this book and takes it out on our travels, looking through the pages and giggling to herself. I would recommend this book for anyone with young children who are really into Peppa Pig. It is a good way to get young children to look at the alphabet and begin to identify objects associated with each letter.
With love,
Roxanne-Sasha x