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Smile and be HAPPY!

‘Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.’

– Matthew 11:28-30

I realised a long time ago that I could never find my happiness in a guy, especially after being let down so many times. At times I wondered if the problem was me and to be honest it was. If you’re not truly happy within yourself, NOBODY walking on this earth will ever make you happy. I know that now, but back when I was a teenager I didn’t.

I was able to grow and learn from my past mistakes. I forgave those who needed to be forgiven and I reminded myself that just because I forgave them it didn’t mean that they still needed to be in my life. As Heather Lindsey said once, “forgiveness doesn’t always mean relationship.”

People show you how much you mean to them in their actions and especially with their words. Words at times are often very deceiving because someone can tell you that they love you, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that they do. If someone makes time for you and shows you that they love you, then they’re showing you that you’re important to them. If someone does the compete opposite then they’re showing you that you’re not a priority in their life. It can be a hard pill to swallow, but I value honesty it helps when people are real with you rather than lying.

Emotions can be a problem at times, if you let them control your life. I cannot count how many times I’ve acted out of my emotions because I once allowed them to rule my life. If someone upset me, believe me when I say I was the type of person to go up to them and tell them what I thought of them! That was not always the best thing to do because I learnt from one of my best friends that I have to pick my battles. It isn’t necessary to react to everything that is said to you or done to you. Your actions show others who you are as an individual. The enemy thrives on our negative actions, in fact he LOVES it.

Happiness and the ability to BE HAPPY is a wonderful thing. When you’re truly happy with yourself and with your life, you will glow and radiate positive energy. So many people are attracted to optimistic people because they’re a joy to be around. This is why I love my friends because whether or not we are together we all have this amazing way of making the other one smile or laugh.

Do things that make you happy:

  • If you like keeping fit, join a gym or go for a jog. Exercising boosts your energy and will also help you to feel happier about yourself.

  • If reading makes you happy join a book club or pick up some new books. Thanks to technology, most smart phones are capable of having the kindle app on them so this makes it easier to download and read books on the go. If you’re like me I find that easier to read books, but I still prefer having an actual book in my hand!

  • Socialising is another way to be happy, as I stated earlier my friends are great. We always have a blast when we are together. You don’t necessarily have to go anywhere or spend lots of money, sometimes you can have fun meeting up in one if your friends houses or watching a film together.

  • Retail therapy is another good method. You may fancy changing your wardrobe after having a clearout.

  • Giving back to others and helping those in need is a lovely thing to do. Some people are not as fortunate as others and it takes just one person to make a difference.

  • You can even write a gratitude list of all of the things in your life that you’re grateful for. Remember we are all blessed in different ways, so don’t be envious of someone else’s blessing.

  • Spending some quality time with family

  • Join a class, there are so many different classes that you can join, ranging from cooking to art.

  • Surround yourself with positive people. Positivity is uplifting and remember energies are contagious, if you’re around negative Molly everyday you’re bound to catch her negative energy.

  • Laugh and smile!

  • Don’t have unrealistic expectations of others, if they don’t meet up to your expectations you will feel disappointed. Accept people as they are and understand that we are all different.

  • Compliment others! You can make someone’s day by paying them a nice compliment.

  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet. What you eat can help to make you feel good or bad. I know for a fact if I eat something that’s not very healthy I definitely feel the difference.

  • Meet new people; you would be surprise what you can learn from others.

  • Forgiveness will set you free from feeling bitter and angry all of the time. So don’t be afraid to forgive others it doesn’t make you weak, it makes you a better person.

  • Allocate time to just date yourself! Yes, you read that correctly. Take yourself out and treat yourself to a nice dinner or whatever floats your boat!

  • Know what you want in life and don’t settle for less.

  • Set yourself achievable and realistic goals.

  • Don’t be too hard on yourself when things go wrong or not how you expect them to go.

  • Understand that you cannot control everything.

  • Try not to be judgemental and remember everyone is fighting a different battle. That girl who is ‘too quiet’ could be one of the sweetest girls you’ve ever met.

  • Don’t take on too much at once, try to concentrate on one thing at a time. My mother always says, “one thing at a time and all will be done right.”

  • Patience is a virtue, just because it isn’t happening now it does not mean that it won’t ever happen.

  • Work on being a better you. There’s always room for improvement.

  • You’re never too old/young to do something. If you fancy a change in career or even if you want to get a degree then go for it!

  • Travel! I love travelling and exploring different cultures. The world is a big place, don’t be stuck in one place when you can see the world!

  • Read your bible and make sure that you talk to God daily!

  • Love yourself and know you’re value.

  • Be independent.

With love,

Roxanne-Sasha x

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