For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow

‘For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow’ – James 1:3
As I sit in the A&E reception waiting for the doctor to call me, all kinds of thoughts float around my mind, some good and some bad. I watch as each individual waits anxiously for their names to be called and they walk slowly towards the doctor disappearing down the corridor. Gradually the reception becomes emptier and emptier leaving only a few of us waiting to hear the doctors verdict.
This is not the first time I have had to come to the hospital. In fact throughout my pregnancy I practically lived at the hospital, there was always something wrong. It was extremely tiring, but my daughters welfare was and remains my main priority. After giving birth to my daughter I realised how much stress my body was under.
I have been praying and praying that my body would get back to normal and I would start to feel, well like me again. I know that there is a reason for all of these health issues I am all of a sudden encountering. My belief is that it is to strengthen my faith. I am not to question God’s faithfulness because He has been more than faithful to my daughter and I. There have been too many encounters which left me stunned at God’s greatness and His love for us. There were times where I was alone physically waiting at the doctors or the hospital, but in fact I was not alone God was with me and He still is.
Although this is a short post I feel that I have to share this with someone. No matter what you’re feeling right now, whether you feel alone or whether you feel like giving up. Don’t! God will use you to help someone else. All of what you’re going through is for God to use you for His glory. You are His masterpiece and He cannot wait to show you off to the world! Endurance and lots of faith sisters and brothers, that is what will see you through. God bless you!
With love,
Roxanne-Sasha x