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A collection of all my books from The Resilient Mum Book where I share my journey into Independent Motherhood, how it all started, my thoughts and feelings and things I have learnt along the way. You will also find my devotionals here and my 10 Year Plan and The Monthly Goals Planner  including a Vision Board Planner to assist you on your journey.

The Resilient Mum Book

This book was written by a young, single mother to inspire and encourage other single mothers regardless of age. This book takes you on a journey of some of the things I had endured and encountered, but it will also show you that as I was able to withstand these matters, you can too. Our situation is not set in stone, with the help of the Lord we are able to achieve and do miraculous things. At times, situations were difficult, but God never gave up on me and He will never give up on you!

Available here or available from Amazon

The Childcare Guide

After working with the "little people" for almost a decade, Roxanne-Sasha was inspired to create this guide for Independent Mothers using her experience and childcare knowledge.


This guide will give Independent Mothers more of an insight into what they should look for when seeking the best possible childcare for their little ones. It will also help them to understand the wide range of childcare establishments available to them, so that they can make more informed choices.


"It is essential that you and your child like the setting otherwise you will be unhappy. You do not want to send your child to a setting when you do not get a good vibe from it. You want your child to be happy and to feel safe and secure always." - Roxanne-Sasha Jennings.

Available here

The Independent Mother Devotional

Have you ever desired to get closer to God, but was not entirely sure where to start? Well look no further! The Independent Mother Devotional was written as a useful tool to encourage Independent Mothers everywhere to actively seek a deeper and meaningful relationship with God. Focusing on a different topic every day for 30 days will inspire and empower you as a woman of God and an Independent Mother.


You will learn more about some of the greatest women of God and you will discover how God transformed their lives with the assurance that He will do the same for you. The Independent Mother Devotional features a variety of questions and a prayer journal that will also help you to express yourself and reflect on your innermost thoughts as you strengthen your connection with our father in heaven. This devotional will change your life and your mindset as you get closer to God.


“Mamas, please do not feel as if you are alone, because God is with you in all that you do. You are very special to Him and He loves you more than anything in this world.” - Roxanne-Sasha.

Available here or available from Amazon

Inspiring Thoughts From God's Word Book

Inspiring Thoughts From God's Word includes bible scriptures and commentary with various questions to get you thinking about your life, relationships and your personal choices. It has enough space for you to freely express yourself. For days where you need some encouragement or to reflect on your life and relationship with God. Allow this to serve as a reminder of how valuable you are to Christ. Be encouraged always and remember that you are a daughter of the King – you are royalty!

Available here or available from Amazon

10 Year Plan Book

The Dreams, Aspirations and Goals: The 10 Year Plan and The Monthly Goals Planner for Empowered Women is the ultimate planner for creating goals and helping you to achieve them. The Monthly Goals Planner was created to encourage you to write down your personal goals and reflect on them on a monthly basis. It enables you to stay motivated and on top of your goals as you achieve them, one by one.


The Monthly Goals Planner features 12 sections for 12 months and it can be started whenever you like because the planner is undated. At the beginning of each month you will write down any positive affirmations and quotes to keep you inspired for that month. There is enough space to record your goals each month and the due date you desire to achieve the goals by. You will be able to write down whether you achieved the goal or not in the desired time. In the circumstance that you did not achieve the goal, you can simply write the new due date in the achieved box to carry the goal forward - there is no pressure to achieve the goal now - take your time, small steps are better than none! At the end of each month you will be invited to reflect on your month and how it went.


The writing prompts/questions include: 1.Two amazing things that happened to you that month. 2. What challenged you. 3. What inspired you. 4. What you have learnt and what new things you were able to try. 5. What you would like to try next month. You will also be prompted to celebrate your achievements and reflect on everything you have achieved at the end of each month. There is also enough space to count your blessings and record what you are grateful for because we know that gratitude is the best attitude to possess!


The Vision board planner enables you to create a little vision board for each month. Vision boards are excellent visual reminders and I personally love to create them (by myself, with my daughter and at The Independent Mother Hub Vision Board Parties.) A vision board is a board with a collection of images, quotes, words and affirmations. The idea behind the vision board is for it to be used as a way to record and highlight your dreams, goals and aspirations. Use this space to add images, text; quotes, scriptures, affirmations - whatever it is that inspires you. It is your vision board so do make it personal for you. When you look at your vision board, you should always feel inspired. Your vision board will serve as a source of inspiration to you and will encourage you daily to chase your dreams, achieve your goals and follow your aspirations. Whenever you need to be uplifted, look at your vision board and let it remind you of your reason why. Your vision board will motivate you to continue even when you feel like giving up.


The Ten-Year-Plan was created to inspire you to think about where you are now and where you would like to be in the future. It will encourage you to write down your dreams, goals and aspirations as you begin to make your plans a reality. The Ten-Year Plan features 3 main sections: 1.The 2 Year Plan 2.The 5 Year Plan and 3.The 10 Year Plan. For each section there are other smaller categories: You, Spiritual, Family, Career, Finances, Travel, Social and Other. You can use the heading prompts to plan and create your very own 10-year plan. Your Dreams, Goals And Aspirations are waiting for you, so go and make them happen!

Available here or available from Amazon

Dear Mama Book

Dear Mama this book contains positive encouragement and thoughtful reinforcement for you. It will inspire you to faithfully seek God and know that despite what you encounter in life God shall always be in the midst. Mama rest in the Heavenly Father’s promises. God knows your hearts desires and when the time is right God shall bless you, His beautiful daughter. Draw close to Him Mama, for He loves you dearly.

Available here or available from Amazon

Declare Today Book

Declare Today will empower you with power phrases and reminders of how valuable you are to God. Always choose to speak life over your family, your life, your loved ones and yourself. You have the power to speak to change situations Mama. Choose to speak to encourage, educate and edify.

Available here or available from Amazon

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