The Fruit of The Spirit - Gentleness.
It can be so difficult at times to respond with love especially when someone has offended you, but choosing to follow God means that we are

7 Scriptures Relating To Peace.
In a world where there is always something new happening it can be difficult at times to find common ground and establish peace. Today I wan

Let’s Talk: Loneliness.
Do you think this is what Hagar felt when she wondered off into the wilderness? Or when Jonah sat inside the fishes stomach for three days?

Mama Evolve!
You cannot change your past but you can work on creating a brighter future. You are greater than your past, you are greater than the mistake

Proverbs 31:27 - Don’t Be Idle!
We learn about this from the Proverbs 31 woman who was something short of amazing! She was definitely not an idle woman

Do The Work!
I think it is so important to visualise your goals, visualise who you want to be, how can you get there, when you get to that point what wil

Praying For Yourself
When it comes to praying there is no secret formula. The only thing that God requires of you is for you to come to Him as you are. God longs

Talking To God
Talking to God never has to be something that is thought out or carefully planned. Talking to God can be just like you are talking to one of

Fulfilling Your Purpose As A Mother.
The blessings that come with raising children is more beautiful than the struggle or the challenges.

Goodbye 2020!
We should strive to enter 2021 with the assurance and confidence that no matter what 2020 threw at us, God has got us right in the palm of H

The Independent Mother Hub: Engage In Activities Together
Many child(ren) have gone back to school, for others they're still engaging in virtual learning. These tips apply for all situations.

The Independent Mother Hub: Take Time Out
Having some time to yourself is SO essential Especially as an Independent Mother because we are doing a 2 person job by ourselves.

Why is forgiveness important?
Hey Queens. I hope you are all well. If you're reading this then you've made it through 2020 by the grace of God! We thank God because...

SAHM / Working Mum Series: Introducing Jen
About Jen. “My name is Jen, I am 28 years-old and I have a 9-year-old daughter called Kourtney. We currently live in Croydon, Surrey and...

SAHM / Working Mum Series: Introducing Sadé
This has been in the pipelines for a few months, but of course (like everything for me) it had to go in the right (super organised)...