The Fruitful Family.
Your home is the first establishment where your child(ren) will learn what to do, what to say, how to respond and how to act amongst other t

The Fruit of The Spirit - Temperance
Welcome back to my blog. Today, we are looking at the ninth and final characteristic of the fruit of the Spirit which is temperance! I...

The Fruit of The Spirit - Meekness.
Reflect on 2 Corinthians 12:9 Mama, ‘My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness..’ God will strengthen you

The Fruit of The Spirit - Faith.
Welcome back to my blog. Today, we are looking at the seventh characteristic of the fruit of the Spirit which is faith! “But the fruit of...

The Fruit of The Spirit - Goodness.
Jesus is a perfect example of someone who was virtuous. No matter what Jesus encountered here on earth, He remained good to others. He remai

The Fruit of The Spirit - Longsuffering.
So, what does longsuffering actually mean?!
It is defined as having or showing patience in spite of troubles, especially those caused by

The Fruit of The Spirit - Peace.
So we have this to hold on to. Jesus overcame the world and I believe we can too!