Putting On The Armour Of The Lord
Get ready to put on the armour of the Lord. Be vigilant, be prepared and do not allow the enemy to trick you with his wicked schemes.

Pursue Your Purpose
Are you ready to step into your calling?! 2024 is the year for you to stop waiting and start fulfilling your God given mandate!

When You’re Feeling Discouraged.
These are some scriptures to help you when you are feeling discouraged. God’s promises are like medicine for soul. Be blessed always!

The Fruitful Family.
Your home is the first establishment where your child(ren) will learn what to do, what to say, how to respond and how to act amongst other t

My New Book, Dear Mama.
Dear Mama is a collection of beautiful letters of love and affirmation from me to you. Dear Mama contains positive reinforcement and scriptu

7 Lessons For You My Beautiful Small Madam!
These are seven wonderful lessons I share with you today. I am all that I am because of you and our loving Father in heaven.

The Fruit of The Spirit - Temperance
Welcome back to my blog. Today, we are looking at the ninth and final characteristic of the fruit of the Spirit which is temperance! I...

The Fruit of The Spirit - Meekness.
Reflect on 2 Corinthians 12:9 Mama, ‘My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness..’ God will strengthen you