Prayer for restoration!
A prayer for restoration. God will give you double for your trouble. He will restore all that you have lost in Jesus’ name.

Bible Study - Purpose with The Resilient Mum | Discover God’s Plan.
For the past 18 days we have been looking at purpose in our bible studies. Purpose comes directly from Our Heavenly Father.

Bible Study - Purpose with The Resilient Mum | Discover God’s Plan.
I believe that when you are walking in God's will for your life, you can achieve great things through Him. He gives us strength and wisdom.

Bible Study - Purpose with The Resilient Mum | Discover God’s Plan.
God strategically designs and creates with purpose and great intention. Nothing God creates is worthless. Join me for our bible study.

Putting On The Armour Of The Lord
Get ready to put on the armour of the Lord. Be vigilant, be prepared and do not allow the enemy to trick you with his wicked schemes.

When You’re Feeling Discouraged.
These are some scriptures to help you when you are feeling discouraged. God’s promises are like medicine for soul. Be blessed always!

The Fruitful Family.
Your home is the first establishment where your child(ren) will learn what to do, what to say, how to respond and how to act amongst other t

The Calling Of Motherhood.
Your role is vital in the lives of your child(ren) for through you, your child(ren) will learn, flourish and thrive. Your prayers will help

My New Book, Dear Mama.
Dear Mama is a collection of beautiful letters of love and affirmation from me to you. Dear Mama contains positive reinforcement and scriptu

7 Lessons For You My Beautiful Small Madam!
These are seven wonderful lessons I share with you today. I am all that I am because of you and our loving Father in heaven.

Mama Evolve!
You cannot change your past but you can work on creating a brighter future. You are greater than your past, you are greater than the mistake

Proverbs 31:27 - Don’t Be Idle!
We learn about this from the Proverbs 31 woman who was something short of amazing! She was definitely not an idle woman

Do The Work!
I think it is so important to visualise your goals, visualise who you want to be, how can you get there, when you get to that point what wil

The Power Of Planning
Today, we will be looking at the power of planning and why I believe planning is a great tool that everyone where possible should use.

Praying For Yourself
When it comes to praying there is no secret formula. The only thing that God requires of you is for you to come to Him as you are. God longs