These programs have been created and designed to encourage Mothers everywhere to grow and thrive on their faith filled journey of Motherhood. Learn through guides, workbooks and eBooks. Talk to God in prayer, journal with Him and access various activities. The idea behind the programs is to offer Mothers affordable, accessible faith inspired tools to help to change their situation, enhance their lives and equip them with all that they need to raise their child(ren).
The Independent Mother Program
Being an Independent Mother at times can bring many challenges, but you do not have to face these challenges alone. Learn to thrive with God on your side. Raise your child(ren) to be amazing little people of God and grow through what you go through. This program will encourage you to be the best that you can be as an Independent Mother.
This program features:
3 Main Sections
A Journal
Prayer Points
Thought Provoking Questions to help you to reflect
You will never be alone raising your chid(ren), God will always stand beside you as He helps you to navigate this season of your life. I pray that this program helps you to be all that God desires for you to be and much more!
The Faith Filled Mother Program
The Faith Filled Mother Program will feature a devotional with bible scriptures and various questions to get you thinking about your faith, relationships and your personal choices. You will also be encouraged to journal and talk to God as you go along.
This program features:
31 Day Devotional
A Journal
Prayer Points
Thought Provoking Questions to help you to reflect
May this serve as a reminder to you of how valuable you are to Christ. Be encouraged always and remember that you are a daughter of the King - you are royalty!

The Purpose Driven Mother Program
You have been created with great purpose. There is SO much inside of you that God has placed within you for a specific reason and a specific purpose. This program will help you to tap into your purpose and use your purpose as God wills.
This program features:
3 Main Sections
A Journal
Prayer Points
Vision Board Guide and Kit
Thought Provoking Questions to help you to reflect
Habakkuk 2:2 states that we should “Write the vision and make it plain..” It is important to note that vision boards serve as a visual reminder and representation of our goals, our dreams and our aspirations. However, God is always in control of our lives and will lead us to where and what He has in mind for us according to His will. This does not mean that we cannot come to God and ask Him for certain things, but if it is not His will for you, it does not mean that you will have it. God will give you something better, something you deserve! So prayerfully create your vision board, allow God to lead you and be of good courage always!