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The Resilient Mum®’

Hello and welcome to my site, my name is Roxanne-Sasha. I am a mother, currently residing in the UK with my beautiful daughter.

Writing has always been one of my many passions, I love expressing myself with words and I often write poetry and short stories. I find that sometimes what the mouth cannot physically say, written words can.

I have a strong desire to reach out to other Faith Filled Purpose Driven Mothers. My inspiration is first and foremost God and my daughter. I aim to encourage, motivate and inspire other mothers everywhere whilst showing them that with determination and perseverance they can make their dreams a reality.

I am very passionate about pursuing my purpose and I long to help other Mothers to pursue their purpose and to establish the very reason why they were created by God. It is so imperative to understand your calling and to not sit on the vision God has given you. He chose you for the job because of what you have inside of you; you really are amazing!

Being a Mother is hard, but it is also part of our calling. We have been called to raise the next generation, so continue to strive to be a positive example to your child(ren). How proud would it make you to hear your child utter these words one day, “when I grow up I want to be just like you mummy!”

On my site you will find posts varying from Faith, Purpose and Motherhood. I also offer encouraging posts and advice for Mothers. I pray that my posts will be a blessing to you and that they will serve as encouragement for you.

Please feel free to contact me with any of your questions, comments or suggestions.

With love,

Roxanne-Sasha x

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The Resilient Mum
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